Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The month of May

Last Sunday we played at the Church in San Fernando Valley. We played a few songs in the morning & then they had a worship concert in the evening where they took an offering for us, that was so nice of them to do that. It's pretty hard to do full time music ministry I don't know how people do it. God has kept things coming our way though, thank you Lord. This week I sold another 2 pieces of jewelry it's so exciting. I have an Etsy store now called gatesofgrace. I love having someting creative to do with my hands. Jeff's been working at production & set up at Conejo Valley Days. Then starting tomorrow he begins working on the Ventura music Festival till May 8th. He is also still working on a Crossroads worship cd, which seems to be taking longer than expected because its so hard to get everyone together to finish. We play Crossroads May 16th Gospel Light on May 20th Farmers market on the 29th. So far that's all the dates we have this month. We have some possible traveling plans this summer I'll let you know more latter.