Friday, November 26, 2010

Check out our new commercial Ashlyn & ME( Harmony)
PSA Holiday Safety with Debra Messing

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

We haven't really been blogging lately as you can tell. We have just been busy with the girls. Jordan is 4, Ashlyn just turned a year today, and we have a boy due Feb 11th. So we are going to need a bigger house eventually Our 2 bedrooms is feeling quite small lately. We have still been playing at different Churches in the area, and doing community outreaches with our music which we love to do. Jeff has also been a part of a radio show on KDAR every Friday at 2:30 pretty cool two pastor friends Rowan Van Sleeve and Jeff Rodriguez. Tune in if you get a chance or you can listen live if you go to KDAR 's website.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The month of May

Last Sunday we played at the Church in San Fernando Valley. We played a few songs in the morning & then they had a worship concert in the evening where they took an offering for us, that was so nice of them to do that. It's pretty hard to do full time music ministry I don't know how people do it. God has kept things coming our way though, thank you Lord. This week I sold another 2 pieces of jewelry it's so exciting. I have an Etsy store now called gatesofgrace. I love having someting creative to do with my hands. Jeff's been working at production & set up at Conejo Valley Days. Then starting tomorrow he begins working on the Ventura music Festival till May 8th. He is also still working on a Crossroads worship cd, which seems to be taking longer than expected because its so hard to get everyone together to finish. We play Crossroads May 16th Gospel Light on May 20th Farmers market on the 29th. So far that's all the dates we have this month. We have some possible traveling plans this summer I'll let you know more latter.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

GMOs genetically modified organisms

The other night I stayed up late and was researching about planting a garden well that opened a can of worms. First I found that there are different types of seeds that you can buy. There are actually seeds now so that are made sterile. So you can't gather seeds from the plant to grow. Why would they do this? They also make seeds round up ready which means the seeds are treated with round up. Monsanto is one of the companies that is responsible for some of these things. They created Round Up spray, also the BGH hormones they shoot into cows which looks like it's not too great for us. I also learned about GMOS genetically modified organisms. We are actually making foods that they are crossing genes with other things like example the strawberry had problems with frost so they crossed it with a cod fish that has something in it that with stands frost. Anyway I am just learning about all this but I find it pretty crazy and especially the fact that most people don't know about it and that they don't have to let us know which foods are genetically modified. BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK? Here is an awesome website I found on how to stay away from GMOS and also not support Monsanto. She also has a grocery guide on how to shop and what to avoid. Check it out


1. Look at the stickers on fruit - there is a PLU code with either 4 or 5 numbers. If your fruit's label has 4 numbers, it is conventionally grown. 5 numbers starting with a 9 means it was organically grown, and 5 numbers starting with an 8 means GMO.

2. Buy local & talk to your farmers - this is the best way to ensure you're eating real foods. It's estimated that up to 85% of pre-packaged and processed foods contain GMOs, so buying fresh from the farm is a great way to avoid that.

3. Avoid the Top Four GMO Crops of Soy, Corn, Canola and Cottonseed - most blended oils in North America contain canola and cottonseed. Replacing these with 100% extra virgin olive oil is a safe alternative.

4. Encourage your favorite food providers to label their food GMO-free. We don't need the government to force companies to label their foods, and we're seeing more and more that we as consumers have tremendous power, and if enough of us ask for GMO-free labels, and support the companies that use them, we'll see a huge increase in labeling. And we're already starting to see this.

Get to know the companies that are labeling their foods GMO-free.

5. Buy Organically Grown Food - For now, the organic certification process is a relatively safe bet to ensure your food is free of GMOs, although this may not be the case in the future. Help support global sustainability by purchasing certified organically grown food.

6. Conventional Sugar - Over 90% of this year's sugar beet harvest will be Monsanto's GM Roundup-Ready Sugar Beet. That means if you are using sugar, or eating anything with sugar in it, you're eating GMOs. Alternatives to sugar are listed here.

7. Grow your own food - Plant a garden using heirloom seeds! (thanks to Amy31415 on YouTube for pointing out this important tip!)


Monday, February 15, 2010

Hi All,
Just an update to let you know whats going on with us at the moment. We are currently not on tour at the moment. We moved back home in September to have our new baby girl. She was born November 16th 2009. So she's 2 & 1/2 months old now. It's great to be home! Somehow we have been able to make ends meet and still do music. We have been doing various gigs here and there and Jeff's been doing some production & recording in the studio. I'm so sorry for not posting what we are doing on a weekly basis, I'm super bad at that and actually I don't even know if I know how to do it?? DUH. Anyway we are still playing Churches in the area and Crossroads Church in Camarillo once a month. This weekend we play at Camarillo farmers Market Feb 20th and then The Ranch Church in Los Olivos this Sunday Feb 21st. I'll try to start updating where we will be.
Thanks to all of our friends We love you all
- Harmony